For our 150th anniversary our theme song is hymn #733. “O God, our help in ages past.” For the next couple of months I want to give here information about this hymn that comes from a companion volume to our hymnal which is called “Lutheran Service Book, Companion to the Hymns, Volume 1.”
You might notice that the name of the hymn is a bit different than what we have on our 150th Anniversary banner. The commentary below will tell why this is so.
O God, our help in ages past
Queen Anne was ill. and no one knew how long she might live. Since none of her children survived to adulthood, her subjects dreaded a possible struggle for the throne of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Isaac Watts (1674-1748), a dissenting Protestant, had good reason to fear that Anne's half brother, James, the Stuart claimant of the throne and a Catholic, would be crowned king. Anne and James's father had promoted Catholicism in England until his removal in the Glorious Revolution (1688). During these troubled times, this paraphrase of Psalm 90:1-5, beginning "Our God, our help in ages past," was particularly appropriate. Watts headed the text "Man Frail and God Eternal,” which reminded England's independent Protestant minority that kings and government come and go, but God remains their home forever.
In the centuries that followed, hymnal publishers frequently altered its text. When John Wesley published it in 1738, he omitted the fourth, sixth, and eighth stanzas and changed the wording of the remaining text in several ways, most notably in the first line to "O God, our help in ages past." Most hymnals published since then follow Wesley, but Missouri Synod hymnals retained "Our God" until LSB, which finally contains the version in common use. The hymnal's electronic edition, Lutheran Service Builder includes two of the missing stanzas, as did TLH (but not LW). Watts's stanza 6, which does not appear in our hymnals, reads:
The busy Tribes of Flesh and Blood
With all their Lives and Cares
Are carried downwards by thy Flood,
And lost in following Years.'
Today this hymn is much beloved, and nearly every major English-language hymnal includes it. In the United Kingdom, the hymn is sung at times of national crisis and on Remembrance Day (November 11), the British equivalent of America's Memorial Day. In the United States, it has often been sung at college and university services, baccalaureates and commemorations, at least when hymns were still sung at these. It is also frequently sung on New Year's Eve.
'Isaac Watts, The Psalms of David Imitated in the Language of the New Testament (London, 1719), 230.
Midweek Lenten Vespers
Good News from the Beginning: “The Gospel in Genesis”
March 12, 2025
“The Good News of a Savior Who Conquers Evil”
March 19, 2025
“The Good News of a Savior Who Gives Us a New Beginning”
March 26, 2025
“The Good News of a Savior Who Gives Himself in Our Place”
April 2, 2025
“The Good News of a Savior Who Unites Heaven and Earth”
April 9, 2025
“The Good News of a Savior Who Brings Good from Evil”
First Trinity Lutheran Church Council Meeting Minutes
February 11, 2025
Meeting was called to order by Elder Brent Niemeier. Pastor Wagner gave an opening devotion from Matthew chapter 13.
Minutes of the January council meeting were approved as presented.
Ron Malchow provided the Financial Secretary’s report. The Treasurer’s report was presented by Kyle Spilker. Income for January was $9,209.71, expenses $21,274.59. With an ending balance of $33,424.86. Motion was made to accept financial reports by Pastor Timothy Wagner. Second by Dean Damme. Motion carried. (see reports)
Elders’ Report – Brent Niemeier
· Next month’s meeting will be on March 11th with Eder’s meeting at 7 pm and Council at 8 pm.
· The Fish Feed will be September 7th.
Pastor’s Report – Pastor Wagner
· Judy Haussler’s funeral will be February 17th.
· Ash Wednesday is March 5th.
Trustee’s Report – Matt Brott
· A drone inspection of the steeple was done by Paul Davis Restoration. They are guessing it will cost $15,000 - $25,000 to repair and paint the steeple.
Stewardship / Board of Education – not present
· No report.
Cemetery Sexton – not present
· No report.
Old Business
· none.
New Business
· none.
Motion was made by Pastor Timothy Wagner to adjourn, second by James Hahn. Motion carried. Meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Members present included Kyle Spilker, Pastor Timothy Wagner, James Hah, Matt Brott, and Dean Damme. Submitted by Elder Dean Damme.
Registered Visitors at First Trinity
for FEBRUARY 2025
(Visitors who filled out cards.)
Feb 2 Kris Akre – Jefferson, SD
Lyle Osborn – Plymouth, NE
Feb 9 Kris Akre – Jefferson, SD
Feb 16 Kris Akre – Jefferson, SD
Church Offering Income for the
Month of January: $7,393.13.
Darin Pohlmann 1 Matt Brott 12
Henry Niemeier 2 Eldean Adam 14
Brinn Remmenga 2 Megan Sothan 16
Michelle Belding 3 Lee Nickel 21
Jacob Brandt 6 Lydia Niemeier 21
Joshua Wagner 7 Grant Bennett 24
Callee Beethe 9 Victoria Barnard 25
Peter Spilker 9 DeVaynee Beethe* 28
Stacy Damme 10 Michelle Malchow 28
Zachary Eyer 11
Joan Meyer 1 James Franzen 18
James Hahn 4 Jacob Brandt 19
Kolby McAllister 5 Joshua Wagner 20
Madison Cude 8 Henry Niemeier 21
Callee Beethe 10 Eldean Adam 25
Carol Cunningham 11 Matt Brott 25
Allen Pfingsten 13 Stacy Damme 26
Robin Hahn 15 Arthur Morris 29
Matthew Beethe 17 Michelle Belding
Mark/Kris McAllister 10
Randy/Jane Bartlett 21
Nathan/Tiana* Haussler 25
Henry/Joan Niemeier 31
*If your birthday, baptismal birthday, or anniversary date is missing from our lists, please contact the church office so we can include it next year.